
Donor Profile: A Legacy of Giving Forward

Long-time United WE/Women’s Foundation supporter, Lisa Gioia, is an enthusiastic believer that the more you give, the more joy you receive.

“I have been incredibly fortunate in my life to have been given opportunities to learn to give,” said Lisa. “My mom and dad always taught my brother and I about giving. I later learned so much from being involved with the Women’s Foundation, now United WE. It gave me an opportunity to learn, but also to give forward.”

Imagine our future if everyone gave forward – our world could be so much more equitable. Giving to United WE really IS working for change.
— Lisa Gioia

Lisa has given forward with her time, talents and treasure to advance women in our community for more than 20 years. It all started when she joined the 360 Degrees of Giving circle, which was the monthly donor circle for the Women’s Foundation at the time. She later became a charter member of Voices in Philanthropy and served on United WE’s board. As a CPA and financial management consultant specializing in non-profit accounting, Lisa’s passions aligned when she was asked to serve as board treasurer.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to give of my time and talents to advance women. I gain so much knowledge, new talents and blessings in return. Giving to United WE has actually been a great gift to me.”

Lisa is also a founding member of United WE’s Legacy Society, making a gift in her estate to help fund United WE’s future.

“United WE is a huge gift to donors like me – it gives us the opportunity to give back for change, especially for the next generation of women. I appreciate how the Women’s Foundation has evolved to United WE to stay relevant with what the needs of women are today. Change is hard, but necessary,” remarked Lisa.

When asked why supporting the advancement of all women’s economic and civic leadership is so important to her, Lisa reflected on the importance of change and progress. “I think about the name of the annual event - We Work for Change – and the meaning of those words. The work of United WE brings about change that makes our world a more positive place, especially in diversity, equity and inclusion. Imagine our future if everyone gave forward – our world could be so much more equitable. Giving to United WE really IS working for change.”

Thank you, Lisa, for your years of leadership and inspiration to give forward!

We invite you to join Lisa and other individuals who have made plans to empower the next generation of women by making a gift in their estate to United WE. An estate gift is a straightforward way to make an impact and can be as simple as designating United WE as beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan. Estate gifts can be any amount that is meaningful to you! If you have already included United WE in your estate plan and have not yet notified us of your intention, please let us know so we can recognize you as a Legacy Society member, like Lisa. Please contact Angie Heer, Chief Development Officer, for more information.

Donor Profile: Ash Grove Charitable Foundation Funds Oklahoma Expansion

Mark Meads

President, Ash Grove Charitable Foundation

The Ash Grove Charitable Foundation has a long history of supporting qualifying public charities in the communities served by the Ash Grove Cement Company, one of the largest cement companies in the United States. As a supporter of United WE for nearly a decade, Ash Grove has long embraced our mission to advance opportunities for women.


“Ash Grove plays an important part in the foundation and infrastructure of our country – and this includes the advancement of women,” said Mark Meads, president of the Ash Grove Charitable Foundation.


Through his work, Mark and the Foundation have been allies in helping United WE’s mission evolve and grow. Most recently, the Foundation funded United WE’s expansion into Oklahoma (where Ash Grove has business locations and customers) by making the Status of Women in Oklahoma research possible in partnership with Oklahoma State University. “It’s exciting for me to see the expansion of United WE’s mission into more communities and the significant impact being made to advance women’s economic and civic leadership to make meaningful change,” said Meads. “United WE’s model of utilizing qualitative and quantitative research to identity barriers for women, and then define innovative solutions, works. I am confident the fruits of this research will create opportunities that will empower more women in Oklahoma.”


“We are grateful for the support of the Ash Grove Charitable Foundation,” said Wendy Doyle, United WE president and CEO. “Research is the first step to true, sustainable change, as it identifies specific barriers to women’s economic development and spurs the development of smart, practical solutions to overcome them. The Ash Grove Charitable Foundation’s support of the Status of Women in Oklahoma demonstrates the power of partnerships in transforming the futures of Oklahoma women.”


As a male ally, Mark Meads knows there is a role for all – women and men to play in the advancement of women.

We are all responsible for recognizing the ways women are being held back and take action to correct it. When we all work together so more women can participate in the economy, our families and communities thrive.
— Mark Meads

 You can read the recently released Status of Women in Oklahoma research here.

Enabling Equity for Future Generations

United WE Donor Feature: Ebony Reed

When United WE CEO Wendy Doyle met Ebony Reed on an airplane flying back to Kansas City in early 2020, she quickly knew she wanted to recruit her to serve on United WE’s board of directors. As New Audiences Chief of The Wall Street Journal, Ebony led many projects at the intersection of gender, which included writing and editing the Journal’s Women In newsletter. Ebony joined United WE’s board in January 2021 and hit the ground running by supporting the We Work for Change event and co-leading board recruitment efforts.

“I’m proud to be a board member to strategically support United WE’s inclusive mission of advocating for women’s economic and civic leadership and opportunity,” said Ebony. “This urgent work is nonpartisan and is at the heart of some of the most significant change and calls for change that we are seeing in society right now.”

As a journalist and co-author of the forthcoming book, “The Black Dollar”, some of the top policy areas of concern for Ebony are pay equity, workplace opportunity and entrepreneurship. “All of these areas have a significant impact on women’s financial equity and are linked to legislative changes and challenges, so that underscores the importance of United WE’s growing work with the Appointments Project.”

Ebony has held other board positions in Boston, New England and journalism industry nonprofit boards, but right now she is focusing all of her nonprofit time on United WE. Ebony is currently on book leave from The Wall Street Journal to write “The Black Dollar'' with fellow journalist Louise Story, which is focused on the economic systems and intersections of race with Black Americans over time in this country. The book is a mix of history, statistics and multi-generational personal stories. 

She also recently decided to make an impact on future generations of women by making a gift to United WE in her estate plan and joining United WE’s Legacy Society.

I’ve had a lot of time lately to think about the impact I want to make with my life and how I want to help future generations. When we think about the fact that we all only have a finite amount of time in this life on this earth, it makes it really clear that making a contribution to a mission-focused organization that will use those funds for the betterment of the community is the right thing to do. Better outcomes for women mean better outcomes for our broader society.
— Ebony Reed

Thank you, Ebony, for your incredible leadership and support to empower women! We invite you to join Ebony as a founding member of our Legacy Society by including United WE in your estate plan. An estate gift is an easy way to make an impact and can be as simple as designating United WE as beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan. Estate gifts can be any amount that is meaningful to you! If you have already included United WE in your estate plan and have not yet notified us of your intention, please let us know so we can recognize your legacy as a founding member. Contact Angie Heer, Chief Development Officer at or 816.988.2007 for further information.

Want to grab a copy of “The Black Dollar” once it is published? You can sign up here to get updates.

Ebony Reed accepts a Legacy Society Founding Member recognition piece from former Mayor of Kansas City, Missouri and United WE Change Campaign Honorary Chair, Sly James. Founding Members received a framed photo of the Fearless Girl statue from Wall Street engraved with their name and the title “Fearless.”

Empowerment beyond a lifetime.

United WE Donor Feature: Sherri Wattenbarger

Sherri Wattenbarger with husband, Brian Beins

Sherri Wattenbarger with husband, Brian Beins

In 2021, United WE is celebrating 30 years of empowering women. As part of that celebration, we are honoring 30 Founding Members into our Legacy Society and invite you to join, empowering women beyond your lifetime.

“I read an article in the newspaper back in 1998 asking for volunteers. I knew I had to get involved,” says Sherri Wattenbarger, describing how she first got involved with United WE, formerly Women’s Foundation. “The organizations’ impact on the community and the way it makes change in multiple ways really spoke to me.”

Since that destined newspaper article, Sherri has served United WE in numerous roles as an event Chair and Emeritus Chair, on the Board of Directors, as Board Chair, on the Advisory Council, Campaign Cabinet, Patron Committee, a Trailblazer, and a Legacy Society member.

“I decided at age 11 that I wanted to go into public service and have never detoured from that. After law school, I knew I wanted to use my talent and skills to make my community a better place. Supporting and empowering women became a passion.”

As a trial attorney for over 25 years with the Department of Justice, Sherri’s greatest support lies with United WE’s policy work. “How the organization approaches policy in a nonpartisan, collaborative model is amazing to me. The policy work, and the preceding research, creates the biggest area of impact. It makes lasting changes for women and creates economic equity.”

Through United WE’s Legacy Society, Sherri and her husband Brian Beins are not only investing in the future of women but continuing the work she personally has been endeavoring to achieve. “We have worked hard to support women and girls over these last 30 years, but the pandemic has set us back significantly. We need, now more than ever, our community’s support to empower women beyond our lifetime.”

We need, now more than ever, our community’s support to empower women beyond our lifetime.
— Sherri Wattenbarger, United WE Legacy Society Member

We invite you to join Sherri and Brian and become one of our 30 founding members of our Legacy Society by including United WE in your estate plans. We thank Sherri and Brian for their on-going support and passion for empowering women and celebrate their tireless work with United WE. Thank you!

Please contact Angie Heer, Chief Development Officer at or 816.988.2007 for further information regarding our Legacy Society.

Dedicated to all Women.

United WE Donor Feature: Amalia Murguia


As a former United WE research intern, Amalia Murguia has seen first-hand the impacts United WE makes in the community. “The mission of United WE is cognitive and pervasive, dedicated to all women. I appreciate the intentional inclusivity while providing a clear voice for women.”

A recent graduate of Georgetown University, with a double major in government and history, Amalia has become a supporter of the organization and an advocate for the Appointments Project. “The Appointments Project just makes sense. It is a real game changer for those women who get appointed, both personally and professionally.”

Along with the Appointments Project, Amalia is equally passionate about the policy work United WE does. “It is transformative for women’s equity. Childcare access, paid family leave, equal pay- it’s all tied together and fundamental for gender equity, both socially and economically.”

Amalia is enthusiastically involved with United WE as a volunteer, raising awareness and funds to support United WE’s mission. Her work as a volunteer allows Amalia to align her values and ideals while supporting an important cause in her life.

As for the future, Amalia believes “United WE has a mission that motivates all. I hope and believe United WE will be successful in truly affecting women in positive ways.”  

We know that you, Amalia, will be part of that positive change for gender equity. Thank you for empowering women and being the next generation of change! We celebrate you for your time, investment and passion to support our mission.

We invite you to join Amalia and become a supporter by considering a charitable gift to support United WE. Make your gift today!

For questions or more information on other ways to give and volunteer, contact Melissa Ford, Director of Development at or 816.988.2006.

Women building a legacy for all women.

United WE Donor Feature: Connie Loveless

“During my 35-year career, I was almost always surrounded by men,” said Connie Loveless, former board member and supporter of United WE. “The harried world of Finance and Investments- with its trading floors, wall street bankers and board rooms really didn’t invite many women into it.”

When Connie was first asked to join the United WE investment committee in the ‘90’s, then Women’s Foundation, Connie really didn’t know much about the mission, but came to love the work. “It brought us together to drive change for the betterment of all women. It was fun and challenging and allowed me to see real life issues facing so many women daily.”

Connie is proud to be a part of United WE. “I care about my daughter’s future and the future of our girls. United WE is making meaningful change for gender equity now and for future generations. From women being appointed to board and commissions to vital policy work, a lot of women don’t even know United WE is standing behind them.”

A lot of women don’t even know United WE is standing behind them.
— United WE Donor Connie Loveless

Investing in United WE with a legacy gift means Connie is investing in the future of women. “I hope and pray that our past work will help to make a difference in the life of my own daughter, Molly, and in the lives of my friends’ daughters, whether they are aware of it or not. I continue to support United WE because I know the good work being done today will make a difference for all women and girls in generations to come.”

Connie & her daughter, Molly

Connie & her daughter, Molly

Thank you, Connie, for your ongoing passion and support to empower women!

As we celebrate our 30th anniversary in 2021, United WE will also be celebrating our 30 founding members of our Legacy Society. We invite you to join Connie and become a founding member of our Legacy Society by including United WE in your giving, estate plans or other financial contributions.

Contact Angie Heer, Chief Development Officer at or 816.988.2007 for further information.

Advocating for Systemic Change.

United WE Donor Feature: Tiffany Owens

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As a United WE Board Member, volunteer, donor, and Legacy Society member, Kansas City native Tiffany Owens knows how to be a true advocate for systemic change. “I support United WE because the mission transforms women’s equity through research and breaks barriers for women and families,” says Tiffany.

Growing up, Tiffany’s mother was a small business owner. Now, as a working mother herself, Tiffany understands the challenges women face and wants to pave the way for other women and most importantly, her daughter.

Tiffany truly lives her passion for gender equity, working as a private client advisor and providing tools for women to take control of their finances. “I see how the many roles women play as parent, caregiver, and professional can have an impact on their financial success. I want to help and guide them so they can take control of their financial lives. It is a big proponent of why I chose to get involved with United WE.”

“As a Board Member, I am honored to carry on the work of so many amazing women who came before me. There’s a lot of work left to be done, but I know the multi-faceted approach creates the high-level change necessary to make a bigger impact in our communities.”

Reflecting on the last 30 years of working towards gender equity, Tiffany, and other women and men like her, have given so much of their time, talent, and treasure to make United WE’s mission possible. Thank you, Tiffany, for your passion to empower women now and beyond!

I am honored to carry on the work of so many amazing women who came before me. There’s a lot of work left to be done, but I know the multi-faceted approach creates the high-level change necessary to make a bigger impact in our communities.
— Tiffany Owens

We invite you to join Tiffany and become a supporter by considering a charitable gift to support United WE. Make your gift today and learn about the United WE Legacy Society.

For questions or more information on other ways to give and volunteer, contact Melissa Ford, Director of Development at or 816.988.2006.

Women Supporting Women.

United WE Donor Feature: Kristin Wing

Kristin Wing- headshot.jpg

Women supporting women. That was the driving force for Kristin Wing to join the United WE Board of Directors nearly 25 years ago. “We were a group of women sitting around a table, looking for ways to make sustainable change and bring value to our community.”

Kristin, along with many other passionate women who have served on our board of directors and committees, gave United WE the strong foundation that has guided the organizations’ evolution throughout the years. “United WE validates what women are seeing and experiences in the workplace and community. It finds barriers to tackle and provides data driven solutions to impact women and families.”

When reflecting on her time as a United WE board member, Kristin said, “I remember going to Washington D.C. as one of a few representatives of the board of directors many years ago. We were there to share our research and resources and bring attention to gender equity; to give a voice to women that did not have one. It was exciting to watch the light bulbs go off for those we talked with. We were a sisterhood of change and I am proud that our work continues for the next generation of women.”

With over three decades of experience in public accounting, she continues to make volunteerism and financial investments a priority. Along with supporting United WE, Kristin has also been involved with Madam President Camp and the Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA).

I am going to make it my life’s work to point to United WE as a role model for other organizations supporting women and girls!
— Kristin Wing, United WE Changemaker & Trailblazer

As a United WE Changemaker and Trailblazer, (you read that right, she’s both!), Kristin feels United WE is a tremendous financial steward of her donations. “Every dollar is carefully considered and treasured. It is a smart and wise investment and women need to support women. I am going to make it my life’s work to point to United WE as a role model for other organizations supporting women and girls!” says Kristin.

Thank you, Kristin, for empowering women! As we celebrate our 30th Anniversary this year, we want to celebrate and thank Kristin Wing for her time, investment and passion to support our mission.

We invite you to join Kristin and become a supporter by considering a monthly donation to United WE today. As a Changemaker, your monthly gift of $25, $35, $50, or the amount of your choice, will unite with other Changemakers to create systemic change for women and families. Don’t wait! Become a Changemaker today.

For questions or more information on other ways to give, contact Melissa Ford, Director of Development at or 816.988.2006.

United WE Donor Feature: Elevating equity. Unified work.

Marion Spence Pierson, M.D. FAAP(Daughter/sister/wife/mom/friend/physician/beekeeper)

Marion Spence Pierson, M.D. FAAP


When Dr. Marion Pierson’s Jackson County (MO) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated first partnered with Women’s Foundation, now United WE, the chapter was instrumental in establishing the inaugural event to support the important work the Appointments Project. “I love how Wendy (United WE President & CEO) is so good about uniting our community. I had to immediately learn more about the mission and get involved!”

Marion was so excited to get involved that she became a volunteer, joining the Patron Committee to help raise awareness and funds for United WE’s mission through the annual We Work For Change event and eventually serving as event Co-Chair in 2019. Her work as a volunteer gave her a better way to form deeper connections with her community and the diverse committee, all while elevating equity.

“I want women to find equity in the world, not just in the workplace.”

As an accomplished pediatrician and business owner of Village Pediatrics, LLC, Marion works everyday to ensure equity in healthcare for families across Kansas City. She sees the impacts COVID-19 has had on women and their families firsthand through her work, the families she serves, and the dozens of women she employs. As a mother of two, she also knows the challenges of being a working mother.

As a corporate member of United WE’s Trailblazers (supporters who commit more than $1,200 annually), Marion, and Village Pediatrics, LLC is proud to support gender equity and United WE’s focus on research and data to ensure the root causes and barriers women face are tackled head on.

“When I make a donation to United WE, I know it will be spent well. United WE’s advocacy work on behalf of women brings so many perspectives, resources, and connections together to magnify the outcomes. They are truly a great partner for the community and it’s what keeps me excited about the expansion of their work.”

Volunteering and investing in United WE means Marion is investing in the future of women. Thank you, Marion, for your on-going time, support and passion for empowering women!

We invite you to join Marion and become a supporter by considering donating to United WE today and becoming a Trailblazer. For questions or more information on other ways to give, contact Melissa Ford, Director of Development at or 816.988.2006.

Meaningful change. Meaningful legacy.

United WE Donor Feature: Jinny McCoy

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“I want to help women and girls,” said Jinny McCoy, discussing her 30-year history supporting United WE, formerly Women’s Foundation. As a past board member, donor and advocate for our mission, Jinny recently joined as a founding member of United WE’s Legacy Society, comprised of individuals who make a gift in their estate plans to United WE.

Jinny is proud to support gender equity, noting that as one of few women working in the stock brokerage world in the 1960’s and 1970’s she saw the need for women’s advancement. “Women had very few options when it came to careers back then. We’ve made great strides, but there is still more to do to help empower women.”

After being asked by a friend and board member at the time, Bunni Copaken, to get involved, Jinny became an instrumental part in United WE’s board, beginning as Assistant Treasurer and Treasurer for several years. She also served on several fundraising committees. She recalled the importance of the organization’s first research study in the early 1990’s that revealed very little philanthropy was given to advance women and girls. When reflecting further on her involvement and support, she reminisced about purchasing the very first two copy machines for the organization. “I liked what the organization was doing and wanted to help make them more efficient and successful.” Jinny also enjoyed meeting so many diverse women from all walks of life. “Our board and supporters represented all races, abilities and sexual orientation, and it helped me get to know women outside of my backyard.”

We’ve made great strides, but there is still more to do to help empower women.
— Jinny McCoy, Founding Member, United WE Legacy Society

Investing in United WE with a legacy gift means Jinny is investing in the future of women. “I can’t take it with me,” Jinny chuckled. “I want to make an impact and truly help women and girls, long after I’m gone.” Jinny is also continuing her leadership of United WE, as she recently agreed to serve as an Honorary Chair for our new comprehensive fundraising campaign.

Thank you, Jinny, for your on-going support and passion for empowering women!

As we celebrate our 30th anniversary in 2021, United WE also wants to celebrate 30 founding members of our Legacy Society. We invite you to join Jinny and become a founding member of our Legacy Society by including United WE in your estate plan. Contact Angie Heer, Chief Development Officer at or 816.988.2007 for further information.