Dedicated to all Women.

United WE Donor Feature: Amalia Murguia


As a former United WE research intern, Amalia Murguia has seen first-hand the impacts United WE makes in the community. “The mission of United WE is cognitive and pervasive, dedicated to all women. I appreciate the intentional inclusivity while providing a clear voice for women.”

A recent graduate of Georgetown University, with a double major in government and history, Amalia has become a supporter of the organization and an advocate for the Appointments Project. “The Appointments Project just makes sense. It is a real game changer for those women who get appointed, both personally and professionally.”

Along with the Appointments Project, Amalia is equally passionate about the policy work United WE does. “It is transformative for women’s equity. Childcare access, paid family leave, equal pay- it’s all tied together and fundamental for gender equity, both socially and economically.”

Amalia is enthusiastically involved with United WE as a volunteer, raising awareness and funds to support United WE’s mission. Her work as a volunteer allows Amalia to align her values and ideals while supporting an important cause in her life.

As for the future, Amalia believes “United WE has a mission that motivates all. I hope and believe United WE will be successful in truly affecting women in positive ways.”  

We know that you, Amalia, will be part of that positive change for gender equity. Thank you for empowering women and being the next generation of change! We celebrate you for your time, investment and passion to support our mission.

We invite you to join Amalia and become a supporter by considering a charitable gift to support United WE. Make your gift today!

For questions or more information on other ways to give and volunteer, contact Melissa Ford, Director of Development at or 816.988.2006.