wendy doyle

From Our President & CEO: Honoring the Legacy of Women

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It has been a busy time as we celebrated International Women’s Day on March 8, and revisited important moments and milestones throughout Women’s History Month. Thank you to the business leaders who joined us as partners, to our advocates who supported our efforts by taking the #ChoosetoChallenge pledge, and to the community in the Midwest and beyond who united for women. 

As we near the end of March, our commitment to celebrating and honoring the women who came before us is not over. Throughout the year we must acknowledge the hardships, the progress and the triumphs of women who influenced equality. We must learn from the fierce leaders and empowered voices - then and now. 

Through United WE’s Legacy of Women initiative, we continue to honor women’s historical contributions in state parks, historic sites and other public spaces. History is told in part through public spaces, where individuals, particularly girls, can imagine what they can accomplish and who they can become. To date we have helped rename two state parks in Missouri for women, with a third planned in May. Before this, there were none. We have plans to do the same in Kansas, where there are also no state parks currently named for women. Last August, we also honored the first U.S. female county clerk in the United States, Annie White Baxter, by inducting her into the Hall of Famous Missourians. The women recognized in these public spaces demonstrate fearlessness, resilience, education and what it means to be a “first.” These women also raised their hands and used their voices to help their community. 

Which brings us to the present. We must continue to raise our hands and use our voices for a more just and equitable society. I am excited to share two new ways you can do this throughout the year - by becoming a United WE Ambassadors or United WE Groundbreaker. You do not need any prior experience to join - you are ready as you are! Join us now to grow your network and accelerate progress towards gender equality!

  • Our Ambassadors Program launches on March 31. This group of passionate women and men will help us build awareness, excitement and advocate for our mission across the Midwest and beyond. Learn more and join us here

  • The Groundbreakers group is made up of action-based individuals who want to explore and enhance United WE’s policy, advocacy, Appointments Project and support efforts. Learn more and join us here.  

And just in case you have not already, before March officially comes to a close, be sure to: 

  • Join the more than 115 individuals who took the #ChoosetoChallenge pledge and call out gender bias, stereotypes and discrimination every time you see it. Encourage your friends to take it, too! 

  • Support our International Women’s Day partners - women owned businesses - with multiple promotions still live through March 31. Cocktail, wreath-making kit or new outfit anyone? 

  • Visit our Women’s History Month calendar for informative online exhibits, important dates honoring key women and policies, and more. 

  • Watch the second episode of Take Three, our new video series where I speak with influential and empowering women. This month I talked with Linda Jordan, a past United WE Chair and current Board Member. Check it out below.

Women’s History Month is a month full of reflecting, learning and honoring. We stand on the shoulders of the historical figures we honored throughout Women’s History Month. My question to you is this: how will you honor the legacy of women who came before you, the women who stand beside you now, and the women who will influence the future?

