Let’s Unite to Create Systemic Change and a Better Future for All
Thank you for exercising your right to vote. Let’s continue to treat each other with civility and respect, and unite to create systemic change and a better future for all.
One of United WE’s core values is non-partisanship. As an organization dedicated to advancing all women’s economic and civic leadership, we are encouraged to see issues like childcare, paid family leave, and entrepreneurship elevated as priorities to advance America’s economy forward.
“Advocating for women to lead is central to the work we do every day at United WE,”
said Wendy Doyle, President & CEO of United WE. “We work to unite people around
research, solutions, and results to advance economic opportunities for all women and
their families.”
United WE conducts evidenced-based research on topics including childcare,
occupational licensing, entrepreneurship, paid family leave, civic engagement, and pay
equity. Based on research findings, we develop solutions like policy change and the
Appointments Project®. We have seen policy change remove economic barriers for
women and their families and the Appointments Project® result in the appointments of over 200 women.
Three things to do:
1. Sign up to learn more about the Appointments Project®. One of United WE’s main initiatives to get more women at the civic decision-making table is the Appointments Project®. Through the program, we empower women to serve on civic boards and commissions, where they have the power to make policy decisions that affect our day-to-day lives.
2. Share United WE’s research. Through the United WE Institute; we continue to conduct groundbreaking research on women related to their economic security and mobility. This research leads to policy. Policy leads to advocacy. And advocacy leads to systemic change.
3. Donate to the Change Can’t Wait Campaign. This campaign accelerates the opportunity to help women achieve their full economic and civic potential. The funding will enable us to drive forward innovative research to support women’s full participation in the workforce. It will also allow us to share research findings with local, regional, and state policymakers and expand our successful programming to advance civic leadership.