Wendy Doyle Testimony on Kansas Senate Bill 63

SB 63 would expand the scope of uses of campaign contributions to allow for the cost of childcare and other family caregiving services. The hearing for SB 63 took place in the Senate Transparency and Ethics Committee on February 8, 2023.

Below is Wendy’s testimony:

Mrs. Chair, Members of the Committee:

My name is Wendy Doyle, the President and CEO of United WE, and I’m here to applaud Senate Bill 63 as a critical solution that could encourage more women to run for office. As you may recall from previous sessions, the mission of United WE is to advance all women’s economic and civic leadership. When we talk about barriers to womens’ economic and civic leadership, childcare is one of those issues that is multifaceted in its impact and transcends both of our focus areas. 

United WE is proud to present nonpartisan qualitative and quantitative research that policymakers, like yourselves, can draw upon when making public policy. To that end, the Status of Women in Kansas tells us that Kansas women vote at a higher rate than men, yet make up only about 28% of the state legislature. Clearly, there is more work to be done in eliminating barriers that keep women from running for office. 

Additionally, during our town halls across Kansas this summer, we learned that childcare is a specific issue that inhibits womens’ interest and ability to run for office. Allowing campaign funds to be spent on childcare would certainly be a transformative step forward in leveling the playing field for women to serve their communities in elected office.

Thank you for your time and attention to this issue. Feel free to contact me if I can provide any additional information. 



Wendy D. Doyle

President and CEO

United WE