Diane von Furstenberg to Headline Women’s Foundation Annual Event

Global entrepreneur, fashion designer and philanthropist will share message of women’s empowerment with foundation supporters 

The Women’s Foundation today announced renowned global entrepreneur, fashion designer and philanthropist Diane von Furstenberg as the featured speaker at the organization’s We Work for Change Annual Event presented by Bank of America, on September 29, 2020. This year’s event theme is United We Change, calling upon women and men to unite to advance all women’s economic and civic leadership. The 2020 event will be delivered through a dynamic, innovative live virtual platform, allowing attendees to network, engage and interact. Ticket sales begin tomorrow.

“The Women’s Foundation is thrilled to have Diane von Furstenberg as our keynote speaker for this year’s United We Change Annual Event,” said Wendy Doyle, Women’s Foundation President & CEO. “Diane is a true changemaker. Not only is she an iconic businesswoman and innovator, her dedication to empowering and supporting women everywhere personifies our mission to affect positive change and equity for all women.” 

“Join me on September 29th as we raise funds and awareness for the Women’s Foundation,” said Ms. von Furstenberg. “As a woman and global entrepreneur, my values align with those of the Women’s Foundation and the essential, inspiring work they do to advance women’s economic equity and civic leadership. Communities thrive when women have a seat at the table, own who they are, and use their voices to advocate for policies that improve the lives of all women and families.”

Named by Forbes as one of the world’s “100 Greatest Living Business Minds” and TIME as one of the “100 Most Influential People,” Ms. Von Furstenberg created her iconic wrap dress as a symbol of empowerment. Now the DVF brand is sold in over 70 countries worldwide. Her focus on women’s empowerment extends well beyond fashion to mentoring and philanthropy.

The Women’s Foundation is also proud to announce Linda and Paul DeBruce and the DeBruce Foundation as Honorary Chairs of the event.

The Young Professionals Sponsorship, made available by the generosity of Linda and Paul DeBruce and The DeBruce Foundation, will provide an opportunity for up to 150 college youth and young professionals to participate and learn first-hand from successful women leaders.  It exhibits the joint commitment of Women’s Foundation and The DeBruce Foundation to helping women expand pathways and achieve their economic potential.

"The DeBruce Foundation is united with Women's Foundation in working toward positive change to expand pathways to economic growth and opportunity," said Honorary Chair Linda Woodsmall-DeBruce.

Attendees will also hear from additional leaders and changemakers in breakout sessions, including Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank President & CEO Esther George and acclaimed TEDx speaker Patti Dobrowolski. Tickets for the event are on sale starting Tuesday, August 18 at www.womens-foundation.org/2020-annual-event.