United WE CEO, Wendy Doyle

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United WE Reflect

This year has deepened our appreciation for good health, relationships, and all the little things of years past. It has been one of the most challenging years, but if it has taught us anything it’s that we must pivot, persevere and accelerate the pace of change towards gender equality.

If you’re a woman, you’ve likely experienced firsthand the effects of how the pandemic has disproportionately impacted you and other women you know.

Prior to COVID, women - particularly women of color - had to overcome barriers like unequal pay, lack of affordable child care and lack of sufficient paid family leave opportunities in order to fully reach their economic potential. For many women, overcoming those barriers simply uncovered even more.

It’s my hope - and pledge -  that we learn from the coronavirus experience to reimagine our economy and how underrepresented individuals are engaged in it. Our recovery must emphasize equality. The strength of our country’s economy and democracy depends upon women’s full participation. In fact, the McKinsey Global Institute found that half of states could grow their economies by more than 10% by increasing women’s participation in the workforce. To do this, our public and corporate policies and systems must support women reaching their full economic potential. Our civic leadership must represent the population it serves. And we must be willing to use our voices and take action. 

In the midst of the pandemic and social unrest this year, I am genuinely grateful to YOU for sharing your voice and taking action. Your support fuels United WE, your stories inspire us, and the barriers you face push us to continue advocating for change. This year demonstrates the need to work together to create a better future: one where every woman is supported by laws, practices and policies that allow her to realize her full potential on her terms.

Your support of women’s empowerment and our mission means the world. Together, we must continue our momentum. Your involvement is vital to achieve gender equality.

I look forward to sharing a robust recap of our year, coming first thing in 2021. In the meantime, I look forward to the day when we can gather and celebrate our successes with you.

I wish you a heartfelt holiday season filled with health, peace, love and optimism for better days ahead.


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Wendy Doyle

President & CEO, United WE