Sharing Gratitude and Thanks in 2020

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This year has been challenging in many different ways, but this Thanksgiving I’d like to take a moment to share gratitude, thanks and optimism for what the future holds.

Thank you to all the women who work hard every year, but especially this year. Whether you’re on the frontlines of the pandemic, working from home, helping kids with virtual school, or otherwise, we see you and recognize the incredible job you’re doing despite insurmountable challenges. And to all the people who help women succeed in doing their work, thank you for your support. We would not be able to accomplish all that we do without the helping hands that lend assistance, support and guidance.

A special thanks to our supporters, appointees, elected officials, partners and other community leaders for making our work at United WE possible. In a year filled with challenges, we are immensely grateful for your partnership, collaboration, and spirit for uniting with us to make change.

During a time when the nation has been very divided, we know it is even more important that we unite together to create a better future. We give thanks to all of you who help advance all women’s economic and civic leadership, and thank you for the unity that results from our work together to empower women to strengthen America’s economy and democracy.

In gratitude,

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Wendy Doyle

President & CEO, United WE