Jefferson City – The Women’s Foundation today condemned the sexual violence and abuse described in sworn testimony to the Missouri House Special Investigative Committee on Oversight. Women’s Foundation President & CEO Wendy Doyle made this statement:
“The abuse described in the Committee report is horrifying and inexcusable. Sexual violence is unacceptable and can never be tolerated. We also know that it’s often underreported because victims are afraid of being discredited or disbelieved. That’s why all of us have a responsibility to speak out and condemn sexual violence – wherever it exists and regardless of who perpetrates it.
This has nothing to do with politics; it’s about sending a message to all women that sexual abuse won’t be tolerated, that victims will be believed, and that the era of impunity is over. As an organization dedicated to promoting equity and opportunity for all women, we urge the Governor to step aside for the good of the state, the victim, and everyone affected.