REbeL: A Local Peer Education Group Makes the National Stage

Its always nice when a local group is able to make national news with a positive message.  This morning the Today show featured three groups that are working to promote positive self image in young women, as well as address the prevalence of body dis morphia and eating disorders. One of these groups is Kansas City’s own REbeL.

REbeL is a peer education program, founded in 2008 by Laura Eickman, Psy.D., that aims to change the definition of beauty and health for individuals of all ages. REbeL was originally piloted as a student group at Blue Valley Northwest High School in Overland Park, Kan., to promote an environment that would build self-esteem and confidence among youth, while combating disordered eating and body image issues that have become increasingly prevalent among young men and women. The organization has since grown into a not-for-profit, launching additional chapters in Kansas area high schools and recently extending their reach to middle schools, recognizing that combating body image issues begins at a young age. In addition to peer education, the organization also hosts the annual Walk to REbeL, along with numerous community events including parent education workshops and classroom presentations.

To see the story on the Today Show click here

To learn more about REbeL click here