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Webinar with McKinsey & Company: 2022 Women in the Workplace

You don't want to miss this special in-depth review of the newest report on women released by McKinsey & Company and LeanIn. Featured in Fortune, and Forbes the report refers to this new era as the "Great Breakup."

Hear directly from Kweilin Ellingurd of McKinsey & Company and Wendy Doyle of United WE and get your questions answered on what this data means for women, the workforce, and the economy.

The annual Women in the Workplace report is the largest study on the state of women in corporate America. Based on data from more than 333 companies employing more than 12 million people, this year’s report features:

  • A detailed look at the impact of flexibility and remote and hybrid work on women’s experiences

  • Insights on the distinct biases and barriers faced by Black women, Latinas, Asian women, LGBTQ+ women, and women with disabilities

  • Data-driven best practices for advancing and retaining all women employees

  • Specific recommendations for closing the gap between what’s expected of managers and how they’re trained and rewarded