Women’s Foundation Applauds Sedgwick County Commission’s New Appointments Policy

SEDGWICK COUNTY, Kan. – The Women’s Foundation today applauded the Sedgwick County Commission for adopting a new process for at-large board appointments to encourage diversity, ensure transparency for the appointment process, and raise community awareness. The new policy advances the goals of the Appointments Project®, created by the Women’s Foundation to increase the gender diversity of civic boards and commissions.

Women interested in serving on a board or commission in Sedgwick County can apply at: https://www.appointmentsproject.org/kansas/

Sherri Wattenbarger Appointed to the Kansas Board of Healing Arts by Governor Laura Kelly through the Appointments Project®

KANSAS CITY -- The Women's Foundation today praised Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly’s appointment of Sherri Wattenbarger to the Kansas Board of Healing Arts through the Appointments Project®. 

The Kansas Board of Healing Arts regulates 16 different healthcare professions in the state and ensures that healthcare professionals meet and maintain certain qualifications in order to protect the public from incompetent practice, unprofessional conduct and other prescribed behavior by individuals who have been credentialed to practice in Kansas.

Women’s Foundation Commends Acting Corrections Secretary Jeff Zmuda for Appointing Historic Number of Women

TOPEKA, Kan. – The Women’s Foundation today commended Gov. Laura Kelly’s administration and Acting Corrections Secretary Jeff Zmuda for their commitment to increasing gender diversity in leadership. With Secretary Zmuda’s recent appointment of two women to lead the Norton and Topeka corrections facilities, leadership at three of the state’s eight adult prisons will be held by women, the most in Kansas’ history.