As of 9/4, all Journey Group applicants have been notified of their application status. If you applied to a Journey Group and did not receive a notification email, please check your spam/junk folders or contact us at Thank you!

Kansas City Transformation Journey Groups


United WE invites Black, Latina and rural women in the Kansas City region to apply for an interactive learning journey exploring service on appointed boards and commissions. Three Journey Groups will meet monthly from September 2024 through January 2025 and conclude with a celebration in February 2025.

As a Journey Group Participant, you will. . .

  • Gain clarity and confidence in how you want to lead in your community

  • Identify board and commission opportunities that align with your skills and passions

  • Consider how your identity shapes your civic engagement

  • Grow your community of civic-minded women in the Kansas City region

  • Develop an action plan for civic leadership

Meet Your Facilitators

Click the images to learn more.


For the 2024-2025 Journey Groups, we are seeking women who. . .

  • Identify as Black, Latina, or as living in a rural area

  • Reside in Cass, Clay, Jackson, Lafayette or Platte counties in MO or Allen, Johnson, or Wyandotte counties in KS

  • Are mid-career, with at least 7-10 years of experience in their field

  • Have some prior civic engagement experience (volunteering, political activity, etc.), but have never served on an elected or appointed board

  •  Are interested in exploring board and commission opportunities with the goal of attaining appointment in the next 12-18 months. (United WE and our facilitators will not be brokering or guaranteeing appointments, but we’ll do all we can to get you ready!)

  • Can commit to participating in all sessions of the journey group experience. Session meeting dates are below.

Applications for the 2024-2025 Journey Groups are now closed. Please check this page for updates about future groups.

Questions? Please email

Session Meeting Dates

Additionally, all participants will be invited to attend a meet-and-greet in September 2024 and a Celebration Event in February 2025.