Executive Summary

To better understand how women entrepreneurs with young children use childcare, and identify their specific childcare needs, United WE commissioned a survey of 750 women entrepreneurs with at least one child under six years old. The findings from this study are meant to aid policymakers as they make decisions in how to best support these entrepreneurs who are not only mothers to young children, but also vital components of the U.S. economy. 

Primary Findings:

  1. More than half of women entrepreneurs with young children say that a lack of adequate childcare negatively impacts their business.

  2. Women entrepreneurs say that they need flexible scheduling in childcare arrangements and care during non-traditional business hours.

  3. Many women entrepreneurs piece together multiple types of care for their children. Formal care arrangements play a critical role, especially as businesses become more successful and demanding.

  4. Women entrepreneurs are generally satisfied with the quality of childcare in their area, but they wish it were less expensive.

Press Release

Nationwide Survey: 57 Percent of Women Entrepreneurs Believe Their Businesses Would Be More Successful If They Could Resolve Childcare Challenges

KANSAS CITY, MO – June 4, 2024 – In a new nationwide survey commissioned by United WE and announced today at the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) Days in Washington D.C., 62 percent of women entrepreneurs indicate childcare options fail to meet their needs and negatively impact their business. In this study of 750 women entrepreneurs with children under age 6, the majority, or 57 percent, state that their business could be more successful if they had better childcare options.

“For years, women entrepreneurs have been taking a giant step forward to start their own businesses because they wanted more flexible childcare support,” says Wendy Doyle, President & CEO of United WE, a nonpartisan organization with a mission to advance all women’s economic and civic leadership. “What we’re learning now is that women entrepreneurs’ growth is being held back by inadequate childcare options, partially driven by critical needs within the childcare workforce itself.”

Women pack a powerful economic punch in driving the U.S. economy. According to a 2024 Wells Fargo report, women-owned businesses continue to positively impact the economy, representing more than 14 million of all businesses, or 39.1 percent, employing 12.2 million workers and generating $2.7 trillion in revenue.

“Similar to other foundational business functions like accounting, software and internet services, childcare also should be considered as a business support function,” says Jen Earle, NAWBO National’s CEO. “Heightened economic growth for women business owners depends on making this shift in thinking about childcare.”

Of the women surveyed, 66 percent launched their businesses to gain greater flexibility in childcare. Women entrepreneurs with household incomes under $100,000 were significantly more likely than those from higher income households to say that flexibility provided by entrepreneurship was a very important reason for their decision to launch their businesses.

When asked about their specific childcare needs, 31 percent of women say that flexible scheduling in childcare services is their first need. Second (29 percent) is the need for infant and toddler care followed by the third (27 percent), which is care during early morning and late evening hours.

“This data reveals that flexible childcare infrastructure is critical to support women entrepreneurs in fueling business growth,” said DeAngela Burns-Wallace, President and CEO, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, who funded the survey. “When more flexible options for childcare are created, women entrepreneurs can achieve increased economic growth with the confidence their children have the best care.”

The nationwide research, conducted by Openfields, is part of the United WE Institute and available at www.united-we.org/2024childcaresurvey.

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Instagram Post: 

Women entrepreneurs are crucial to the U.S. economy, creating 41% of new businesses since 2019 and driving 2 out of 3 new jobs in the last 25 years. They face unique challenges, especially with access to capital and balancing childcare. 

@Unitedweempower’s national survey of women entrepreneurs with young children highlights the need for supportive, accessible childcare. This research aims to raise awareness of this issue and guide policymakers in better supporting these vital contributors to our economy. 

#WomenEntrepreneurs #Childcare #EconomicGrowth

Facebook/LinkedIn Post:

Women entrepreneurs are crucial to the U.S. economy, creating 41% of new businesses since 2019 and driving 2 out of 3 new jobs in the last 25 years. They face unique challenges, especially with access to capital and balancing childcare. 

@United WE's national study of women entrepreneurs with young children highlights the need for supportive, accessible childcare. This research aims to raise awareness of this issue and guide policymakers in better supporting these vital contributors to our economy. Read the research report: https://bit.ly/45aipjV

#WomenEntrepreneurs #Childcare #EconomicGrowth

Twitter/X Post: 

Women #entrepreneurs are crucial to the U.S. economy, yet face unique challenges such as accessible #childcare. @UnitedWeEmpower released national research highlighting this challenge and potential solutions. Read the research report: https://bit.ly/45aipjV

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